Feb 16, 2010

Spaghetti Wrestling Fundraiser! This Friday!

What: Derby girls, raffle prizes, beer and spaghetti. Boom!

Where: Exit Chicago, 1315 W. North Ave

When: Friday, February 19, 2010
11:00pm (but we highly recommend you get there early)

No cover! Donations suggested, as 30% of all proceeds benefit Action Against Hunger's work in Haiti.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, let's "git-r-done."

Feb 3, 2010

Spotlight On... #7 Jennie Lee Von Slaughter

Do we stay home all the time 'cause you want me to yourself?
Is that true? Is that true? Is that true?
Or am I locked away, had a feeling that I'd find someone else
Is that true? Is that true? Is that true?
Well, I don't like living under your
Just because you think I might find somebody worthy
Well, I don't like living under your spotlight
Baby if you treat me right, you won't have to worry

As seasonal affective disorder is apparently starting to rear its ugly head, Jennie is here to show us that Slaughter is the best medicine.

When/how you first got involved with roller derby: In January of 2008, I got sucked into the awful reality show "Rock of Love." There was an episode that had a challenge involving roller derby, and this was the first time in my life I ever saw this! I researched this "roller derby" thing online until I finally found a league that seemed appealing to me (The Chicago Outfit), and I got up the courage to join in June of 2008.

Sports before roller derby: I ran track and cross country until I had surgery for anterior compartment pressure in high school, then I gave up on competitive sports until derby! I have also skied since 3rd grade and it actually helped me more in roller derby than one would expect.

Notable injuries: A concussion at practice. Avoid these if you are in college and have finals the next week; thinking + concussion = impossible.

Best team derby moment: I thought about this for like 2 weeks and I really don't think I can choose a specific moment. I think my favorite moments are (obviously) when we're bouting and when we travel together. Never mess with an Outfit skater because every single one of her teammates has her back!

Best personal derby moment: I would have to say my whole first season. When I compare my abilities now to where I was last year at this time I am astonished. I hope to improve that much every year, and looking at the over all improvement is what gets me through a bad week of derby more than one good bout can. Everybody has a bad day or week, or even a bad month, but if you look at the big picture it helps to get through the frustration!

Worst personal derby moment: Being on sabbatical for a month and completely falling out of shape. I wish we never ever had an off-season so I would never have an excuse to let myself rest!

Favorite tattoo: Van Gogh inspired almond blossoms on my back

Still-to-come tattoos: Salvador Dali clock on my wrist. The rest are secrets.

Food you hate that everyone else likes: I absolutely despise all forms of corn. Everything about corn is awful. This might be attributed to the fact that I grew up in DeKalb (a.k.a. Corntown), but I'd like to think that corn is solely to blame.

Tell us something you probably shouldn't: I watch Reality Television after I spent years making fun of people who watch that stuff! (I've learned not to judge.)

Finally, draw yourself in MSPaint: I spent an hour on this.

Watch out for those trees. If you don't impale yourself on the sharp glass that is inexplicably coming out of them, they might just up and fly away on you.
Let's all thank Jennie for her time. I hope you all return for the next
Spotlight when we'll no doubt continue to critique people's skills in the worst computer drawing application currently in existence.

Feb 2, 2010

Would ya like to take a surrr-vay?

Hola, amigos. I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been getting plenty hairy around here.

All that aside, the Women's Flat Track Derby Association would like fans of roller derby (this means you!) to fill out a nice demographic survey so they can serve us better.

Please take 5 minutes out of your daily internettin' to pay their site a visit and fill out their nice survey. Be sure to mark down the Chicago Outfit as your league of choice. If we get around to it, we'll thank you in nachos.